
Sport and physical activity promotes personal growth and development, has a positive physiological and psychological effect on health, fitness and well-being and can help to develop positive social, interpersonal and psycho-motor skills. It also enriches the lives of those choosing to participate, can be great fun and offers hours, years or ideally a “lifetime” of enjoyment.
At GISST we aim to provide students from German International Schools with opportunities for participation in quality sporting activities on a competitive basis. In particular, through the tournaments that that we hold, we are hoping to:
Foster a sense of enjoyment and achievement through participation in sporting activities.
Encourage all participants to play and perform to the best of their abilities, accepting defeat gracefully and celebrating success in a sporting manner.
Develop positive attitudes and social skills that encourage and allow students to observe the conventions of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour.
Promote a sense of commitment and responsibility and teach our students the principle of co-operation among individuals whilst striving for a common goal.
Inspire and develop each individual to reach their full potential in their chosen activity.
Develop an interest in and desire to continue sporting activities in later years and improve physical fitness.
Provide opportunities for, and to encourage social interaction with, students from other international schools, and where appropriate other local German Schools or teams.
Build an intercultural platform and create a role model for respect, trust and sportsmanship between athletes from different cultural and religious backgrounds.
Throughout the school year we shall be hosting a selection of tournaments, which invites and hopefully motivates students of all ages, ability and sporting orientation to take part.
We gladly stand behind these values and actively encourage schools to take measures to ensure they are met.